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本文摘要:3.Hacking And Cracking3.黑客侵略和密码Anytime a website is defaced, an important account is compromised, or some group steals a bunch of login information, its always blamed on hackers. This is the result of a misunderstanding about what hacking involves, though. Hacking is when someone who has a strong knowledge of computer security finds a vulnerability in the system and uses it to get in, usually through some kind of backdoor method.任何时候,一个网站被损毁,一个最重要的账户受到威胁,或一些团伙偷窃了大量指定信息,人们总是归咎于黑客,这是不理解黑客侵略到底是什么的结果。

3.Hacking And Cracking3.黑客侵略和密码Anytime a website is defaced, an important account is compromised, or some group steals a bunch of login information, its always blamed on hackers. This is the result of a misunderstanding about what hacking involves, though. Hacking is when someone who has a strong knowledge of computer security finds a vulnerability in the system and uses it to get in, usually through some kind of backdoor method.任何时候,一个网站被损毁,一个最重要的账户受到威胁,或一些团伙偷窃了大量指定信息,人们总是归咎于黑客,这是不理解黑客侵略到底是什么的结果。黑客侵略的意思是,一些人对电脑系统安全性科学知识十分理解,能从系统中寻找漏洞,利用它侵略,一般来说通过某种不不顾一切的方式展开。

Cracking, on the other hand, involves using a program written by somebody else that sort of breaks the virtual door down, often by trying different combinations of passwords over and over. These are known as brute force attacks. To make things more confusing, the media often refers to things as hacking when nothing was hacked or cracked in any way.另一方面,密码电脑就是用于一些人写出的程序来超越电脑的虚拟世界门,一般来说是尝试人组有所不同的密码,这就叫暴力破解。为了使事情变得更加简单,媒体在任何情况下都将事情说成黑客侵略。

2.Viruses And Spyware2.病毒和间谍软件Viruses are one form of malicious program, but there are many others with different names and methods of distribution. Some are entirely different groups like Spyware and Adware, which are designed to steal your information or annoy you with spam. Some malicious programs are designed so that you will never even know they are there—they hide from your anti-virus software and wait to use your computer, not affecting its functioning in any noticeable way.病毒是恶意程序的一种形式,它有很多有所不同的名字和传播的方式。像间谍软件和广告软件这种几乎有所不同的团体,它们主要是盗取信息,或用垃圾邮件展开侵扰。一些恶意程序你总有一天不告诉它的不存在,因为它们隐蔽在杀毒软件中等你用于,却会显著的影响它的功能。

While the various programs you use for security may be helpful in dealing with this, to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Youll have a better chance at dealing with malware if you know what you are up against. Protecting yourself isnt as easy as keeping your anti-virus up to date, either. Oftentimes, the anti-virus companies themselves arent up to date on the latest malware threats, and people with evil intentions are constantly looking for ways to get around your security.或许为维护安全性所用于的多数程序是简单的,因为事前获得警告就不会事前作好打算。如果告诉你要面对什么问题,你就不会有更佳的机会来处置这些恶意软件。维护自己的隐私不像升级杀毒软件一样非常简单。

一般来说,杀毒软件公司自身也没改版恶意软件的威胁,然而,有不当意图的人在大大找寻方法避免你的安全性维护。1.Malware From Email1.电子邮件中的钓鱼软件Warnings about awful viruses waiting in your inbox have been circulating since the advent of malware, but oftentimes, the warnings are false alarms. This has fueled all kinds of ludicrous practices, such as deleting suspicious emails unread due to the belief that even opening such a message can lead to viral infection. While it is certainly true that you should never open an email attachment from an untrusted source, you cannot get a virus simply from reading an email.因为恶意软件的经常出现,邮件中经常出现病毒的警告仍然流传着,但是这些警告一般来说是骗的。所以就经常出现了各种怪异的作法,比如,坚信关上这些邮件不会遭病毒感染,所以移除未读的怀疑邮件。

的确,你总有一天不关上来自不不受信任来源的电子邮件附件,就会只能的从邮件中病毒感染到病毒。However, there are other situations where getting a virus or other form of malware can be much easier than you might imagine. Simply by visiting a shady site, for example, you may fall victim to a drive-by download. If youre lucky, you will receive a pop-up message or other warning, but many drive-bys wont warn you of their presence before they install hidden malware. This is why it is a good idea to scan your system regularly, just in case.然而,比起病毒感染病毒或其他形式的恶意软件,还有其他情况比你想象得更容易病毒感染病毒。


