Fighting a battle with Inc. to be the preferred entry point for Internet shopping, Google Inc. last year retooled its lucrative search page...
Its either the most exciting technology product of recent years, or the 21st Century equivalent of the Sinclair C5.它也许是近年来最让人激动的科技产品,也有可能是21世纪的Sinclai...
It is not exactly an online craze, but it could be one day. City folk, yearning to own a piece of land to grow their own crops, are signing up to an I...
“This,” wrote the Google Ventures general partner David Krane yesterday on Twitter. “10 years ago, today. A day I’ll never forget…”谷歌创投(Google Venture...
“We kept MinecraftEdu very open-ended to be a platform that teachers could create their own content on top of,” said Levin. “The secret sauce has been...
In the latest effort to contend with exploding quantities of digital data, researchers encoded an entire book into the genetic molecules of DNA, the b...